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In order for the message of sustainable development to be transmitted, SUFORALL applies the FAC methodology (Training - Action - Certification):

  • Training : it is the part of learning and basic knowledge about sustainable development; it is raised in 3 stages.


  • Actions : it is the body of the methodology, where those who do the training part will be asked to carry out a sustainable action that contains one or more SDGs.


  • Certification : people who have received the training can obtain a certificate if they prove that they have applied the concept of sustainable development, in one or more actions that contain the SDGs.

Metodología FAC (Formación, Acción y Certificación)
Educación suforall


The steps to follow:

  1. Initial test;

  2. Sustainable Development for All Course (DSTO);

  3. Final test;

Ayudar suforall


Take an action related to the SDGs.

graduarse suforall


The certification shows that you know about sustainability and took an SDG action.

"Everyone on the planet should know about sustainability."

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