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Simple action proposals for each SDG; If any of these are applied, SUFORALL will certify that you know about sustainability and promoted the SDGs.

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Eradicate poverty in all its forms throughout the world.

  1. Teach a skill or teach a course in a community center, for example computer science, or help write resumes, or other action that helps someone find a job.

  2. Publicize October 17, the international day to eradicate poverty.

  3. Donate something you don't use, like clothes, appliances, furniture or others.

  4. During a party at your home, offer the possibility of substituting gifts for donations or place a box to receive objects that you can donate.

  5. Buy fair trade products that provide workers with a fair remuneration, this supports a sustainable trade system, ( Note: fair trade products have to comply with several principles: working conditions and decent wages, rejection of child labor exploitation, equality gender, and respect for the environment through practices that respect the environment ).

  6. Buy clothes or other products in establishments that donate part of their income, to fight against poverty.

  7. Sponsor a child, so they can have access to food, education and health.

  8. Carry out cultural or sports activities in areas of poverty, this combats the exclusion of these places and generates well-being for everyone at any age.

  9. Donate tools for disabled people living in poverty.

  10. Volunteer or donate to social organizations that help with the needs of specific groups such as children, women, the elderly, the disabled and others.

  11. Volunteering in places for the homeless can also help with cooking, collecting food, clothes, or other useful objects for people in poverty.

  12. Fill a box with non-perishable food and donate it to a food bank, or give it to a family in need.

  13. Buying local promotes the economic development of the region, and facilitates the creation of new employment opportunities.

  14. Hire services and companies that treat their workers with dignity.

  15. Organize health days in places of poverty.

  16. Promote the debate on poverty by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

Suforall, Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 2: Zero hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

  1. Support local farmers by buying produce at farmers markets.

  2. Buying local products drives several SDGs; for example, the environmental impact is lower when you buy local because the food chain is shorter, using less energy in transport and conservation.

  3. Donate non-perishable food to charities, or organize a campaign around you to collect food and give it to one or more families in a state of poverty.

  4. It provides food to schools, since when it helps with their nutrition, the number of students increases.

  5. Avoid wasting food by throwing what you did not consume in the trash, as it could serve a person who needs it.

  6. Plan food days in poor areas, for example, prepare a large pot of rice or another, and distribute it with your family, friends or co-workers.

  7. Create a garden that produces food, either at home or in a public place like a park or another.

  8. Have a homemade compost using fruit and vegetable waste, all the soil that is produced from the compost is high in nutrients and could be useful in case you have a garden at home .

  9. Use apps that prevent food waste (eg Too Good To Go).

  10. Create a place or a cupboard where non-perishable food can be shared, this action fights against food waste (eg Foodsharing Basel).

  11. Promote the debate on hunger by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

Suforall, Javier Trespalacios

Actions Objective 3: Goog health and well-being

Ensuring a healthy life and promoting well-being for everyone at all ages

  1. It promotes health days in marginalized or poor areas.

  2. Be more active, taking a walk around your city or going to work by bike or walking.

  3. Raise awareness about sexually transmitted diseases, road safety and the harm of drugs.

  4. Promote the debate on health and wellness by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be.

  5. Spread healthy food recipes.

  6. Collaborate or make donations to organizations that support health and wellness actions.

  7. Volunteer for sports or cultural activities (eg dance), which promotes healthy life and well-being.

  8. Take time to share with people around you who may be alone; loneliness is one of the main reasons for many mental illnesses.

  9. Carry out cultural or sports activities in areas of poverty, this combats the exclusion of these places and generates well-being for everyone at any age.

  10. Donating blood and bone marrow is an action that helps save lives.

Suforall, Javier Trespalacios

Actions Objective 4: Quality education

Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

  1. Donate books to libraries or public schools in need.

  2. Create a space (library closet) where books can be shared.

  3. Support organizations that work for education in the poorest areas.

  4. It provides food to schools, since when it helps with their nutrition, the number of students increases.

  5. Promote the debate on quality education by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  6. Teach about sustainability or publicize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

  7. Develop a MOOC of a course that can help anyone find a job.

  8. Sponsor a child so they can have access to food, education and health.

  9. Join non-profit schools that seek to train people of any age, and help them find a job (eg computer science).

Suforall, Javier Trespalacios

Actions Objective 5: Gender equality

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

  1. Promote the debate on gender equality by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  2. Make donations to foundations and organizations whose purpose is based on gender issues or the protection of women and girls.

  3. Publicize March 8, International Women's Day.

  4. If you are the father of daughters, take it to your workplace one day, showing that women can do the same work as men.

  5. Take actions that empower women.

  6. One day, swap traditional roles of men and women (eg at work or others).

Suforall, Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation

Guarantee the availability of water and its sustainable management and sanitation for all.

  1. Wash the car in washing centers that recycle water.

  2. Promote the debate on clean water and sanitation by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  3. Support organizations that bring water to areas in need of this liquid.

  4. Show that you save and use water efficiently, comparing consumption bills from one year to the next.

  5. Recycle products that pollute water, such as cooking oils.

  6. Make donations to projects that need funds to drill wells, install pipes and pumps, maintenance courses, and others.

  7. Publicize world water day, March 22.

  8. Calculate your water footprint (

Suforall, Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy

Ensure access to affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy for all.

  1. Supports renewable energy projects for schools, homes and offices.

  2. Your home or workplace more efficient, using energy-efficient lighting and appliances; low-consumption or efficient buildings, the use of renewable energy for hot water, air conditioning and electricity.

  3. If you air-condition your home or workplace, eliminate the losses of this energy.

  4. Promote the debate on the use of renewable energy by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  5. Show that you save and use energy efficiently in your home or work, comparing consumption receipts in one year and another.

  6. Support educational programs that teach children to discover nature, respect it and value it. Only in this way will we ensure that the adults of tomorrow are clear about the importance of investing in sustainable energy.

  7. Support renewable energy projects in disadvantaged areas and without access to this resource.

Suforall, Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

  1. Promote “Take Your Kids to Work Day” for young people to see what a healthy work environment looks like.

  2. Promote the debate on safety and decent work, sustainable economic growth by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  3. Finances training and development programs to improve the skills of someone who is unemployed .

  4. Publicize International Workers' Day, May 1.

  5. Support entrepreneurship projects.

  6. Support entrepreneurship in young people.

  7. Teach a skill or teach a course in a community center, for example computer science, or help write resumes, or other action that helps someone find a job.

  8. Donate tools for disabled people living in poverty.

  9. Buying local products drives several SDGs; for example, the environmental impact is lower when you buy local because the food chain is shorter, using less energy in transport and conservation.

  10. Buy fair trade products that provide workers with a fair remuneration, this supports a sustainable trade system, ( Note: fair trade products have to comply with several principles: working conditions and decent wages, rejection of child labor exploitation, equality gender, and respect for the environment through practices that respect the environment ).

  11. Support the local culture.

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Actions Objective 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.

  1. It promotes sustainable infrastructures with and technologies that respect the environment.

  2. Support scientific projects in research and development in the sustainable industrial sector.

  3. Don't throw it away, donate it. It is inevitable to renew electronic devices, but many times they are in good condition. Give away your old work gadgets or recycle them so that certain components can be recovered.

  4. Promote the debate on sustainable industry and innovation, writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  5. Participate in visits to regions in need; This will help people to know more details of these, react and contribute ideas for their improvement.

  6. Support sustainable products.

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 10: Reduction of inequalities

Reduce inequality within and between countries.

  1. Promote the debate on inequality by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  2. Make integrations with people from other cultures.

  3. Sponsor a child's schooling.

  4. Actions that benefit the elderly and disabled.

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

Make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

  1. Use public transport, city bicycles and other ecological means of transport.

  2. Promote the debate on sustainable cities and the historical or cultural heritage where you live, writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  3. Publicize the concept of sustainable development, and how it is applied.

  4. Support and collaborate in the development of sports and recreational spaces; This helps create stronger, healthier, happier and safer communities.

  5. Carry out cultural and sports activities in parks or disadvantaged areas.

  6. Sponsor or support walks through the heritage or emblematic places of your neighborhood or city.

  7. Organize neighborhood or block meeting to generate ideas that guarantee safe places for everyone.

  8. Actions that guarantee accessibility in cities for the elderly and disabled.

  9. Protect and increase nature in your city.

  10. Actions for good waste management and recycling.

  11. Visit the places of good sustainable examples in your city.

  12. Build a community garden.

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production

Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns.

  1. Recycle for example glass, paper and plastic.

  2. In groups or individually, dedicate an hour a week to collect garbage from beaches, lakes or parks, this creates awareness about water pollution and others.

  3. Promote the debate on responsible consumption and production, writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  4. Buy sustainable products, such as appliances, toys, shampoo, sustainable food and products that do not pollute the water, land and air.

  5. Use apps that prevent food waste.

  6. Do not keep clothes or other items that you do not use, donate them.

  7. Buy fair trade products that provide workers with a fair remuneration, this supports a sustainable trade system, ( Note: fair trade products have to comply with several principles: working conditions and decent wages, rejection of child labor exploitation, equality gender, and respect for the environment through practices that respect the environment ).

  8. Buying local promotes the economic development of the region, and facilitates the creation of new employment opportunities.

  9. Participate in tourism in your region.

  10. Create a product from recycled waste.

  11. Support sustainable ventures, and better if they are local.

  12. Make your ecological footprint (

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 13: Climate action

Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.

  1. Avoid driving at peak hours.

  2. Make your carbon footprint (

  3. Go shopping with reusable bags.

  4. Promote the debate on climate action or global warming, writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  5. Composting discarded food.

  6. Buying local products drives several SDGs; for example, the environmental impact is lower when you buy local because the food chain is shorter, using less energy in transport and conservation.

  7. Buy only what you need, in most cases 20-50% of the food we buy ends up in the landfill.

  8. Plant a tree, as they generate oxygen and absorb CO₂.

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 14: Life bellow water

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

  1. Eat sustainable local foods.

  2. Actions to remove garbage from the beaches.

  3. Support organizations that protect the oceans.

  4. At sea, it carries out tourism, recreational and sustainable actions (sustainable fishing, diving, boat trips, others).

  5. Promote the debate on the value of underwater life by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  6. By buying local products , less plastic packaging is used, which most of the time ends up in the oceans.

  7. Publicize World Oceans Day, June 8.

  8. Use fewer plastic products, which tend to end up in the oceans, causing the death of marine animals.

  9. It supports projects that make water treatment and sustainable management of the oceans.

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 15: Life on land

Sustainably manage forests, fight desertification, stop and reverse land degradation, stop the loss of biodiversity.

  1. Participate in local urban agriculture.

  2. Set up an insect hotel in your garden or park.

  3. Eat seasonal products, they taste better, they are cheaper and environmentally friendly.

  4. Buy recycled products.

  5. Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 and World Environment Day on June 5.

  6. Never buy products from threatened or endangered species.

  7. Buy foods in which the species that are used for these, have a good deal.

  8. Promote the debate on the life of terrestrial ecosystems, writing an article in a local newspaper or create a blog; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  9. Have a homemade compost using fruit and vegetable waste, all the soil that is produced from the compost is high in nutrients and could be useful in case you have a garden at home.

  10. When you go shopping, or when you participate in a market, make environmentally friendly decisions that are positive for our planet.

  11. Make sustainable visits to natural parks.

  12. Plant a tree or plant in your home or public places.

  13. Build an urban wild garden to give activity to animals and insects.

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies.

  1. Volunteer for outreach programs and local organizations against violence.

  2. Organize visits to law courts and police posts.

  3. Promote the debate on peace and justice, writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  4. Celebrate and publicize the international day of Peace, on September 21.

  5. Organize integration activities near your home or work, with the nearby inhabitants to promote the safety of the place.

Suforall; Javier Trespalacios

Actions Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

  1. Encourage schools, businesses, and local communities to apply teamwork.

  2. Promote the debate on partnerships for positive development on all topics related to sustainable development, writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

  3. Carry out collective activities through sports and cultural activities.

  4. Carry out an awareness campaign on the SDGs.

  5. Support organizations that promote the achievement of the SDGs.

  6. Carry out collective activities that improve the quality of life or sustainability in your neighborhood, city or work.

  7. Support and motivate in your environment the social responsibility of companies in sustainability.

You can also place your ODS actions on this page.

ODS Actions, Suforall, Javier Trespalacios, 21.01.2021

"Everyone on the planet should know about sustainability."

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