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Writer's pictureJavier Trespalacios

Actions SDG 1: End poverty

The Sustainable Development Goal 1 (ODS 1 o Goal 1) is “End poverty”, and seeks to "End poverty in all its forms everywhere".

Actions related to SDG 1 - End poverty:

  1. Teach a skill or teach a course in a community center, for example computer science, or help write resumes, or other action that helps someone find a job.

  2. Publicize October 17, the international day to eradicate poverty.

  3. Donate something you don't use, like clothes, appliances, furniture or others.

  4. During a party at your home, offer the possibility of substituting gifts for donations or place a box to receive objects that you can donate.

  5. Buy fair trade products that provide workers with a fair remuneration, this supports a sustainable trade system, (Note: fair trade products have to comply with several principles: working conditions and decent wages, rejection of child labor exploitation, equality gender, and respect for the environment through practices that respect the environment).

  6. Buy clothes or other products in establishments that donate part of their income, to fight against poverty.

  7. Sponsor a child, so they can have access to food, education and health.

  8. Carry out cultural or sports activities in areas of poverty, this combats the exclusion of these places and generates well-being for everyone at any age.

  9. Donate tools for disabled people living in poverty.

  10. Volunteer or donate to social organizations that help with the needs of specific groups such as children, women, the elderly, the disabled and others.

  11. Volunteering in places for the homeless can also help with cooking, collecting food, clothes, or other useful objects for people in poverty.

  12. Fill a box with non-perishable food and donate it to a food bank, or give it to a family in need.

  13. Buying local promotes the economic development of the region, and facilitates the creation of new employment opportunities.

  14. Hire services and companies that treat their workers with dignity.

  15. Organize health days in places of poverty.

  16. Promote the debate on poverty by writing an article in a local newspaper or creating a blog on the subject; the more people are informed, the more support and solutions will be obtained.

Suforall; SDG 1: No poverty; Javier Trespalacios
Suforall - SDG 1: No poverty

You can also place your SDG 1 actions on this page by sending us your proposal to:

Actions Goal 1 - Suforall: 21.01.2021

Javier Trespalacios

Basel (Switzerland)


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