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City Territorial Energy Planning Conference

On June 1, the Autonomous University of Carie will hold a Conference on Research Update in Engineering, with two conferences; one of them will be dictated by Javier Trespalacios, collaborator of Suforall, who will talk about the energy planning of cities (PET).

It will deal with the relationship between population, energy and CO₂ emissions, as well as the economy vs. energy and who are the largest energy consumers, in this case it is the cities which will grow by a value close to 40%.

Conference territorial energy planning of cities - Autonomous University of the Caribbean (UAC): the growth of cities and energy vs. the economy.

Then explain what a PET (Territorial Energy Planning) is in a city, and why it was reached; you will see an example of how the analysis is done; followed by regions where territorial energy planning has been successful.

Suforall, Javier Trespalacios, Samso
City Territorial Energy Planning Conference - Autonomous University of the Caribbean (UAC): The Island of Samso, successful case of PET.

Finally, it will be shown how a PET would be in the city of Barranquilla.

Suforall, Javier Trespalacios, Barranquilla
City Territorial Energy Planning Conference - Autonomous University of the Caribbean (UAC): example of what a PET would be like in Barranquilla.

It is important to mention from Suforall that a PET includes the following SDGs:

SDG 7 - Guarantee access to affordable, secure, sustainable and modern energy:

Suforall, SDG7, Javier Trespalacios, PET
City energy planning - Suforall | SDG 7 - Guarantee access to affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy.

SDG 11 - Make cities more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

SDG 13 - Adopt urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.



Suforall, Javier Trespalacios

Javier Trespalacios - JT

Suforall - Sustainibility for all

1 june 2022, Basel (Switzerland)

City Territorial Energy Planning Conference

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